my freaking eating habits are awful. i wish i knew how to cook and take care of myself properly. every time i see a slamming body i think "oh yeah, you're supposed to get in shape." and then i find another bad thing to consume.
on my drive home from work tonight i played the blood brothers and remembered how cool it was to see them live at the social in orlando. even better to get invited for the following day's show in Ybor City and being on the guest list. as just some random teenager and friends.
totally in love and inspired to make the best out of each and every home we rent or own. which raises the question of what do i really want to go to school for?
i also bought pepper spray disguised as a pen. i've been meaning to buy it for a while, so there it is. i'm just hoping i never accidently spray myself.
okay now it is 99.9% official that i am living in Jacksonville FL with my love from June01-Sep01. i am completely excited and ready for a little change in the right direction. i would love to see my husband for more than a total of 30 days a year. which is what this past year has felt like. maybe a little more than 30 but i promise you we never had more than 50 days together. is this the secret to married life? frida kahlo and diego had their separate homes joined by a bridge. doubt it is. i love his lips and frequent hugs too much.
loving this weather with hopes to visit the flea markets this weekend.
i watched New York I love you last night and liked it better than Paris, Je T'aime. Maybe it's because i have not seen PJT in a while and NYilu is fresh in my head. i felt like i could relate better to NYilu. my favorites were Ethan Hawke talking to lady on the corner, the couple outside the bar talking as strangers and the old couple walking to the beach.
went through the closet today in an attempt to minimize stuff i am taking in the move to florida. i currently have 22 v-neck t shirts. theyre my absolute favorite thing to wear because i am a boring dresser.
i found a few iphone apps that give the pics i take a film kind of feel and i love it! here is butterscotch. kyle has had him since birth. and here is tham. my friend and co-worker who i love to make laugh.
I love looking at photos for the nostalgia they make me feel. I love laughing to the point of tears and sore abs. I love finding new music and mentally adding it to the soundtrack of my life.